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Having a career in real estate can be stressful. Nothing is certain, clients can be difficult, and if you struggle to make sales it can be easy to lose motivation. A great way to inspire yourself is by watching a few TED Talks on the topic. TED Talks are typically done by some of the greatest minds in any given field, and are a surefire way to learn more on a topic as well as inspire you to go out and give it your all. Read on for a few great TED Talks about Real Estate.

The Real Estate Deal That Could Change The Future Of Everything – Ben Miller

This talk is given by Ben Miller – co-founder of Fundrise, an investment platform that helps create an easy and low-cost way for people to access real estate. In it, Miller dives into how technology does and will continue to help people invest in real estate going forward. Ben has been in the field for over 20 years and has plenty of knowledge and experience to share with anyone who checks out this talk. 

Moore’s Law of Real Estate – Gunnar Branson

The speaker for this TED Talk is Gunnar Branson, the CEO of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers. During his talk, Gunnar discusses Moore’s Law, an idea that predicts how tech will become smaller as it gets better, and how it applies to the real estate industry. Gunnar holds the belief that the physical locations we exist in will transform before our eyes, and takes a look at how those shifts will affect the real estate market going forward.

The Battle Between Your Present and Future Self – Daniel Goldstein

While not explicitly about real estate, this talk given by Daniel Goldstein is a great watch for anyone looking for inspiration in achieving their goals. Goldstein discusses how discipline and your goals intertwine, saying that we’re in a constant struggle between our present and future self. If we want to make better decisions and have a brighter future, we need to look into the things that will make us happy both now and later.